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First week of Advent

Started by FrJoseph, December 07, 2017, 11:06:16 am

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We have started Advent. It is a time to prepare for the coming of Christ. It's a time where our hope should be rising steadily; to peak out on Christmas, the day of course that symbolizes one of the three times where Christ will come. That is, the reason for ALL hope!

I say three, because this "coming" is the spiritual coming. The coming of Christ that we must live each day as we make our pilgrimage here on this earth. You see, at first Christ came in the flesh. That is when God humbled Himself to take on our lowly state, and become like us in all things but sin. The men and women lucky enough to have lived in that day, actually saw Jesus. Heard Him speak! Wow!

The second coming is the one we are preparing to celebrate at Christmas. The one we are called to really live each day. That is the Spiritual coming. The way we live our lives, even through sin and disappointment, that Christ is always in our heart. He is just as alive in our hearts spiritually, as He was to say, James, John, and Peter physically, when they climbed Mt Tabor to Jesus's transfiguration.

The third coming of Christ is of course, Jesus coming in glory!! His triumphant return to rule all the nations. This is our hope! This is why we believe, what we believe. It is what has been pointed to in sacred scripture and the writing of the Church Fathers for 2000 years. It is how They hoped. As it is written "think of our Lords patience as our opportunity to be saved". He IS in control. He will come again at the proper time and only the proper time.

What do WE hope for? Is it in other people? Material goods? Even Sports? They will always disappoint us unfortunately; keep us stressed out; not being able to truly love as we ought. We all work hard to make our home on this earth. To furnish our houses, make them comfortable, and that is good. I live in an apartment that is very nice, with an amazing view of Rome. However, as beautiful as this may be, it is still not my real home. My real home, as yours is, is in heaven with our Father. When all things will be made anew!

The challenge of Advent, this time of preparation, is to examine our hope. How great is it? On a scale of 1 to 10. Gradually increasing it if it is toward the bottom. How can we achieve this? If we believe in God, shouldn't it always be a 10? Of course not. There are times when we all feel separated from Christ. It's just human. We CAN work to increase that hope. Through prayer. Praying for God to grant us the grace to increase our hope and faith.  Reading Scripture. To read about the love and kindness of a loving God. Through Charity. Random acts of kindness without expecting anything in return. Do these, and out hole, out faith, and our love will rise. We will even find it helps out on our journey here together.

God Bless!

Fr Joe

You made us for yourself oh God, and are hearts are restless until they rest in you.


Holy crap! I started taking into my iPhone and a novel came out!! I will work on that! LOL

Fr Joe
You made us for yourself oh God, and are hearts are restless until they rest in you.



Thanks we not done Advent in our home for several years.
If the South should lose, it means that the history of the heroic struggle will be written by the enemy, that our youth will be trained by Northern school teachers, will be impressed by all of the influences of history and education to regard our gallant dead as traitors and our maimed veterans as fit subjects for derision.
-- Major General Patrick Cleburne
The Confederacy had no better soldiers
than the Arkansans--fearless, brave, and oftentimes courageous beyond
prudence. Dickart History of Kershaws Brigade.