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In the middle of a shift...

Started by Hopeful Hog, September 12, 2018, 04:32:57 pm

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Matt Ryan

Quote from: Arkansas Fan on September 12, 2018, 06:14:34 pm
How about you stop lying about how "anthracite" uniforms is the only thing that can be used to bring talent to Arkansas. First of all, I highly, highly doubt a player will decide on a school based on the color of a uniform.  Secondly, how is thinking that red and white a bad thing? I mean, it IS the school colors after all. It IS what helps give a school its identity. I guess we should change our mascot to whatever else a recruit likes now, too?

We should change it to a tiger.....


Quote from: ricepig on September 12, 2018, 05:01:00 pm
Old guys use twitter?

I laughed out loud. To be fair though, I'm young and don't plan to ever use twitter, Snapchat, or any of that. That's what the significant other is for. I do agree that the criticism is sort of a broad brush though. Most everyone agrees, winning cures all. Unfortunately, we've been very sick lately.


Hopeful Hog

Quote from: bennyl08 on September 12, 2018, 06:32:10 pm

You say the run game is the foundation early on and want a balanced approach, but end up saying it is only there to keep the defense honest. Pick one, it can't be both.

As for who is more valuable in the NFL, probably the run stuffing DT. Players who only rush the passer are usually older vets who only come onto the field on third down to rush the passer because they don't have the stamina to play all three downs anymore. A run stuffing DT is going to be out on the field on both first and second down and in obvious run stopping situations.

Don't get me wrong, players who can also rush the passer are usually the highest paid guys on defense in the entire NFL. However, watch them and they are also excellent run stoppers and often if they are 3-4 OLB's, excellent in coverage as well. And that is why they are so highly paid. If you are useless against the run and/or can't effectively cover a TE in coverage, then you don't get paid all that much since you only have the one thing you can do. Even run stopping DT's are usually useful on passing downs because they'll eat up two OL, leaving one on one coverage for the remaining DL players and/or OLB's.

As for CB's, they don't get paid to stop the run in the first place. It's akin to asking whether a QB who can run gets paid better than a QB who is a better passer? Well, QB's are there to throw the ball, first, second, and third and running for a qb is a useful, but distant skill in terms of importance. If your CB is making run stopping tackles, your defense has already messed up. Per equal coverage ability, the CB who can help in run support will get paid more, but run support for a CB is so far down the list of desired skills that it isn't terribly relevant.

For a better positional statement to make, I offer up TE and LB because they too are required to be heavily involved in both the run and pass game. Jimmy Graham's receiving skills have declined as he ages, but his pay now is the highest of any TE at least as of July this year. This is largely because his run blocking has improved. Number 2 paid TE is Kelce who was the highest rated run blocker among TE's. He's also excellent in the receiving game, but he is highly paid because he is balanced. In fact, among the top 10 highest paid TE's, only Jordan Reed exists as a bad run blocker. Considering how often he's injured, it's surprising that he's that highly paid, but he is good when healthy.

You see a similar trend in LB's. A LB who isn't good against the run is going to struggle to play the position to begin with. So  yeah, ILB's who can cover are typically the rarer breed and thus paid more. But again, it's the balance that makes them good. For example, the highest paid nickeback makes an average of just under 7 million a year. You have to go down to the 13th highest paid ILB to match that.

I'll take this in paragraphs...

Sure I can. Balanced or close to it doesn't HAVE to be 50/50. It can be 60/40 or something close to that.

Umm no sir that's not correct. Run stuffers don't get paid like pass rushers do and it's not even close. You think Khalil Mack just broke the bank because he's great against the run? Nope. It's because he's a double digit sack guy. Aaron Donald is valuable because he gets into the backfield, same with Geno Atkins, Garald McCoy, and so on and so forth. That's not to say you ONLY need to be a pass rusher, you have to be at least decent against the run or you can't be trusted but a primary run stuffing DT isn't even close to having the value of a pass rush.

Let's skip ahead to the TE and LBER part. Of course you have to be well rounded to stay on the field that can be said of every position on both sides of the ball but to say Graham is so highly paid because his run blocking has improved is crazy talk, he's still paid so well because of how much of a threat he still is in the red zone. As for LBER look at the guys like Dion Jones, Lee for the Jets, Kwon Alexander and Lavonte David for the Bucs are they known for there run support or are they known for being undersized but fast sideline-to-sideline coverage backers? Once again not terrible or a liability in the run game but definitely not what they are paid for.

Hopeful Hog


Quote from: Cmheinley on September 12, 2018, 06:56:18 pm
I laughed out loud. To be fair though, I'm young and don't plan to ever use twitter, Snapchat, or any of that. That's what the significant other is for. I do agree that the criticism is sort of a broad brush though. Most everyone agrees, winning cures all. Unfortunately, we've been very sick lately.

Hopefully it isn't terminal for us, there's still a pulse, although feint.


Hopeful Hog

Quote from: Swestwill66 on September 12, 2018, 07:02:58 pm
Possums ! We play dead at home and get killed on the road.

This shouldn't be as funny as it is.


Quote from: Hopeful Hog on September 12, 2018, 06:59:16 pm
I'll take this in paragraphs...

Sure I can. Balanced or close to it doesn't HAVE to be 50/50. It can be 60/40 or something close to that.

Umm no sir that's not correct. Run stuffers don't get paid like pass rushers do and it's not even close. You think Khalil Mack just broke the bank because he's great against the run? Nope. It's because he's a double digit sack guy. Aaron Donald is valuable because he gets into the backfield, same with Geno Atkins, Garald McCoy, and so on and so forth. That's not to say you ONLY need to be a pass rusher, you have to be at least decent against the run or you can't be trusted but a primary run stuffing DT isn't even close to having the value of a pass rush.

Let's skip ahead to the TE and LBER part. Of course you have to be well rounded to stay on the field that can be said of every position on both sides of the ball but to say Graham is so highly paid because his run blocking has improved is crazy talk, he's still paid so well because of how much of a threat he still is in the red zone. As for LBER look at the guys like Dion Jones, Lee for the Jets, Kwon Alexander and Lavonte David for the Bucs are they known for there run support where are they known for being undersized but fast sideline-to-sideline coverage backers? Once again not terrible or a liability in the run game but definitely not what they are paid for.

So basically you are running a stacked argument. It'd be akin to saying of course every food has to have salt to be tasty, and saying that foods with a little bet of pepper to go with that salt that's now a given is better than foods that have salt and lack any pepper and therefore determining that pepper is the most important spice. Problem is, that don't don't hunt.

As for the balance, if you are 60/40 pass to run, you aren't running just to keep the defense honest and primarily playing to shred the defense through the air which is what you later described. That's at best going to be an 80/20 pass to run split or perhaps even less running. If you are running 40% of the time, it isn't just to keep the defense honest.

You guys like Khalil Mack or Aaron Donald, but they don't help your argument. They are highly paid because they are good at everything. Which, yes, absolutely includes stopping the pass and getting sacks. However, you plenty of players whose sole job is to rush the passer and literally serve no other purpose on the team, and they are not very highly paid. Think of Chris Smith. They are called pass rushing specialists. The problem is, they either don't help, or actually hinder the team when it comes time to stop the run while the run stopping specialist can't rush the passer to save his life, but still has value on passing downs by taking up two OL to free up the others who can rush. Not to mention play more snaps. Thus, they get paid more than those who play only on third downs to rush the passer.

At LB and TE, it's the same thing, and often even moreso. There's not a LB out there who can't help in the run game. That alone says everything there. At least there are some DE's who can only stop rush the passer and can't stop the run. That type of player simply doesn't exist at LB. So yeah, players who can stop the run AND play well in coverage get paid more than those who can ONLY stop the run. However, if you want to know which is more important, find me a LB who is great in coverage but can't help in run support to save his life. TE, like DE, does at least have more specialty players. You have some TE's who are glorified WR's and some who are glorified OL. The ones who get paid the most are the ones who can do both. Sprinkle was the more dangerous receiving threat compared to Hunter Henry. Care to take a guess why Henry has had the more successful NFL career and was the top drafted TE that year? Balance. At TE, there is more of a role for solely pass catchers as they can be basically really big WR's and like a CB's run stopping ability, a WR's run blocking is nice, but way down the list of importance.
Quote from: PorkSoda on May 05, 2016, 09:24:05 pm
damn I thought it was only a color, didn't realize it was named after a liqueur. leave it to benny to make me research the history of chartreuse


Do dyslexic, agnostic insomniacs lie awake at night wondering if there really is a dog?


Quote from: Hopeful Hog on September 12, 2018, 06:37:36 pm
Well he is the president so it's not worked out to bad so far.
You serious Clark?
Arkansas, the left lane state.


Quote from: Hopeful Hog on September 12, 2018, 04:32:57 pm
Listening to the Bo Mattingly show today and it really hit home of how much we are right in the middle of what seems like a generational shift at the University of Arkansas. The traditionalist are still stuck in the past, no offense but you are, you constantly talk about how much you hate Texas and "Aggies gonna Aggie", you hate any modern change to the uniform and still think running the ball and stopping the run leads directly to a championship (there's some truth to that but it's not the 60's or even the 90's anymore. It's a passing and pass rushing world now, not completely but more so than ever before.). Unfortunately this group is the ones holding the purse strings so I have to ask you guys a serious question. Do you want your way or do you want the UofA to be successful? Honestly asking. Guys with money HAVE to stop living in the past and look to what's best for the future. If the recruits love anthracite (and they do) stop crying and moaning that's not what the Razorbacks wore when I was a kid. It's not about what you want it's about what gets talent to the hill. Guys with money this state isn't big enough to support 2 programs so if you want Arkansas to have a successful football program stop holding the program ransom and forcing them to play in an embarrassing dilapidated high school stadium. Michael from Stuttgart is a pompous.... we'll say donkey, but he said something I unfortunately agree with. He said it's probably gonna take the current generation of money to die out before things are ever gonna change. This honestly breaks my heart because we have some really great people here in the natural state but tragically most are drastically behind the times. I don't know, I just want us to become relevant again.
So little Rock and anthracite uniforms and we are to the glory land? Don't know about that.

Here's one thing you aren't thinking of...boomers (I'm not one) also have a memory when the Hogs were a legit football program. All you know of is the Hogs sucking balls. What I'm afraid of is when their generation dies out, that's when we are truly Vanderbilt in football for good. You guys don't know any different...losing to a program like Colorado State is just another day at the office.

P.S. Do they not teach millennials how to make paragraphs anymore? Wouldn't be surprising...my understanding is cursive is no longer taught.
Thanks for the F Shack. 


Dirty Mike and the Boys


One 72-year-old fart's perspective:

I was born in 1945.  I have watched Razorback football since the late 1950s.  I truly don't care if our team runs the "wishbone", the "hambone", the "trombone", the "spread", the "head" or "the walking dead".

If you're concerned that some of us old-timer fans may perhaps have a penchant for recalling earlier days of Razorback football glory  - rather than dwelling overmuch on the debacle that is the sorry record which has been compiled over the course of these past few years - you are probably vindicated in your observation.

However, I am not an ardent follower of the philosophy which denotes that "a win is a win" and "a loss is a loss".  Style and grace are IMPORTANT to me.  How we look winning - and how we look losing - is IMPORTANT to me.

I may not be radiantly happy about my granddaughter marrying the lazy-a**ed 287 pound slob who works as a night watchman security guard at an apartment complex.  But I SURELY don't want to witness him taking his marital vows to my granddaughter in a tank top, Bermuda shorts and flip flops.

How the Hogs look doing what they do is IMPORTANT to me.

Hopeful Hog

Quote from: oldman1015 on September 12, 2018, 08:48:26 pm
You serious Clark?

My name isn't Clark and yeah he's seriously the President and last I checked the country is doing better than it has in probably the last 12 years.


Hopeful Hog

Quote from: Hawgphat on September 12, 2018, 09:42:21 pm
One 72-year-old fart's perspective:

I was born in 1945.  I have watched Razorback football since the late 1950s.  I truly don't care if our team runs the "wishbone", the "hambone", the "trombone", the "spread", the "head" or "the walking dead".

If you're concerned that some of us old-timer fans may perhaps have a penchant for recalling earlier days of Razorback football glory  - rather than dwelling overmuch on the debacle that is the sorry record which has been compiled over the course of these past few years - you are probably vindicated in your observation.

However, I am not an ardent follower of the philosophy which denotes that "a win is a win" and "a loss is a loss".  Style and grace are IMPORTANT to me.  How we look winning - and how we look losing - is IMPORTANT to me.

I may not be radiantly happy about my granddaughter marrying the lazy-a**ed 287 pound slob who works as a night watchman security guard at an apartment complex.  But I SURELY don't want to witness him taking his marital vows to my granddaughter in a tank top, Bermuda shorts and flip flops.

How the Hogs look doing what they do is IMPORTANT to me.

I have NO problem with grace and doing things the right way. That's the main reason I was ok with firing Bobby. My main point wasn't the age of people but the mentality. Traditionalist don't have to be in their 70's they can be ANY age. Furthermore I have NO problem knowing the history of the program, or the glory days as you called them, but to make most convos end up there is a problem. For example in the recruiting forum the Catalon thread ended up talking about Steve freakin Atwater. What in the round world does a safety that played a hundred years ago have to do with recruiting a Catalon??? Nothing is the answer.


Quote from: Hopeful Hog on September 13, 2018, 01:06:45 pm
I have NO problem with grace and doing things the right way. That's the main reason I was ok with firing Bobby. My main point wasn't the age of people but the mentality. Traditionalist don't have to be in their 70's they can be ANY age. Furthermore I have NO problem knowing the history of the program, or the glory days as you called them, but to make most convos end up there is a problem. For example in the recruiting forum the Catalon thread ended up talking about Steve freakin Atwater. What in the round world does a safety that played a hundred years ago have to do with recruiting a Catalon??? Nothing is the answer.

I understand your point, - - and I share it to a large degree.  However, keep in mind that dedicated fishermen almost never talk about the puny one pound fish they actually caught; they are highly prone to exclaim over the "huge" fish that "got away".

Some Arkansas fans who are not overly impressed with "the stringer of little fish" currently on hand are prone to recall the glory days of the "big fish" of yesteryear.  I believe that to be indicative of human nature.

Hopeful Hog

Quote from: bennyl08 on September 12, 2018, 07:34:47 pm
So basically you are running a stacked argument. It'd be akin to saying of course every food has to have salt to be tasty, and saying that foods with a little bet of pepper to go with that salt that's now a given is better than foods that have salt and lack any pepper and therefore determining that pepper is the most important spice. Problem is, that don't don't hunt.

As for the balance, if you are 60/40 pass to run, you aren't running just to keep the defense honest and primarily playing to shred the defense through the air which is what you later described. That's at best going to be an 80/20 pass to run split or perhaps even less running. If you are running 40% of the time, it isn't just to keep the defense honest.

You guys like Khalil Mack or Aaron Donald, but they don't help your argument. They are highly paid because they are good at everything. Which, yes, absolutely includes stopping the pass and getting sacks. However, you plenty of players whose sole job is to rush the passer and literally serve no other purpose on the team, and they are not very highly paid. Think of Chris Smith. They are called pass rushing specialists. The problem is, they either don't help, or actually hinder the team when it comes time to stop the run while the run stopping specialist can't rush the passer to save his life, but still has value on passing downs by taking up two OL to free up the others who can rush. Not to mention play more snaps. Thus, they get paid more than those who play only on third downs to rush the passer.

At LB and TE, it's the same thing, and often even moreso. There's not a LB out there who can't help in the run game. That alone says everything there. At least there are some DE's who can only stop rush the passer and can't stop the run. That type of player simply doesn't exist at LB. So yeah, players who can stop the run AND play well in coverage get paid more than those who can ONLY stop the run. However, if you want to know which is more important, find me a LB who is great in coverage but can't help in run support to save his life. TE, like DE, does at least have more specialty players. You have some TE's who are glorified WR's and some who are glorified OL. The ones who get paid the most are the ones who can do both. Sprinkle was the more dangerous receiving threat compared to Hunter Henry. Care to take a guess why Henry has had the more successful NFL career and was the top drafted TE that year? Balance. At TE, there is more of a role for solely pass catchers as they can be basically really big WR's and like a CB's run stopping ability, a WR's run blocking is nice, but way down the list of importance.

I'm really enjoying this little debate sir and am truly sorry it was sent to the trash, it clearly doesn't deserve to be here as nothing anyone had said including myself has been even remotely as offensive as others bashing more realistic fans but I digress.

As for balance running a 60/40 isn't even close to the same thing as running a 80/20. It's not even in the same ball park. Not to mention running 40% of the time is quite a bit. You're making it sound like that's some Mike Leach system or something. My shred them through the air thing was meant to be more tongue and cheek. I definitely want a respectable run game but I just don't want that to be our only bread and butter. Unless you consistently have rosters like Bama or Auburn, which isn't gonna happen here, running the ball all the time isn't gonna work and it for sure isn't scaring the Dlines we're going to be facing week in and week out.

Back to the NFL. Let's just agree that you have to be somewhat balanced in every position to be on the field. That will save us a lot of back and forth. That being said these guys like Donald and Mack aren't getting paid like they are because of how balanced they are, they're getting paid because of how great they are at getting to the QB. Mack more so than Donald but still if Donald was just ok as a pass rusher and great as a run stuffer he wouldn't be getting half the pay check, see Michael Brockers his teammate. Brockers is a perfect example of what you're talking about and he was so valuable the Rams brought in Suh because although Suh has declined a bit in his pass rush he's still very strong and is better at hitting the QB than Brockers has ever been.

Run stuffers carry value, they're definitely not useless, look at the draft for examples of guys being 1st round picks who mainly stop the run. Marcell Dareus, A'shawn Robinson, Star Lotulelei, Vernon Butler, and many more I'm sure but it's rare for these guys to make a second contract with the teams that drafted them. Why? Because they have aa more common skill set and it's easier to find their replacement in the draft or for cheap in FA. Dontari Poe is another great example, Poe is a very talented run stuffer and still very young, or youngish in NFL standards, but he's bouncing around on 1 year deals because no one is gonna pay big dollars for someone who isn't a great pass rusher. Speaking of the draft the Saints just traded 2 (!!) 1st rounders to draft a guy who is atrocious against the run, Marcus Davenport, but has a high ceiling as a PR.

You keep bringing up how pass rushers are only third down players and how run stuffers have more value because they can at least eat up double teams on passing downs. That sounds good but it isn't true because those RS (run stuffers, I'm tired of spelling it out lol) aren't on the field, it's called a NASCAR package and it's what every NFL team has implemented. It's 4 PR (pass rushers) ears pinned back QB hunting.

Point is if a guy is at least a little above "liability" against the run but an ace PR (I said ace level, not a Chris Smith 3rd or 2nd string at best one trick pony) he'll have teams lining up to throw money at him. Conversely if he's an ace RS but below average PR he might still find a job but it'll be more of what Poe is dealing with.

Hopeful Hog

Quote from: Hawgphat on September 13, 2018, 02:14:11 pm
I understand your point, - - and I share it to a large degree.  However, keep in mind that dedicated fishermen almost never talk about the puny one pound fish they actually caught; they are highly prone to exclaim over the "huge" fish that "got away".

Some Arkansas fans who are not overly impressed with "the stringer of little fish" currently on hand are prone to recall the glory days of the "big fish" of yesteryear.  I believe that to be indicative of human nature.

I get that and like I said I have no problem knowing and respecting the past of the program but there is an entire other forum specifically for that very thing. It doesn't need to be forced into a thread like the Catalon one for example, it completely high jack the entire thread. It was just Atwater this and remember Tony Bua that. I log on see the little "new" icon beside the Catalon thread and get excited thinking there's some news, maybe he committed to us maybe there was a cryptic tweet I missed saying he's leaning our way. What do I see? This nonsense! I wade through post after post of crap that has absolutely nothing to do with the recruit only to find out....NOTHING!!! Nothing new at all. Just someone wanted to start a history lesson for no reason whatsoever. It's infuriating!


Quote from: Hopeful Hog on September 13, 2018, 02:51:54 pm
I get that and like I said I have no problem knowing and respecting the past of the program but there is an entire other forum specifically for that very thing. It doesn't need to be forced into a thread like the Catalon one for example, it completely high jack the entire thread. It was just Atwater this and remember Tony Bua that. I log on see the little "new" icon beside the Catalon thread and get excited thinking there's some news, maybe he committed to us maybe there was a cryptic tweet I missed saying he's leaning our way. What do I see? This nonsense! I wade through post after post of crap that has absolutely nothing to do with the recruit only to find out....NOTHING!!! Nothing new at all. Just someone wanted to start a history lesson for no reason whatsoever. It's infuriating!

I understand and empathize with your chagrin at hijacked threads.

That thought reminds me of the redneck dude who was sitting around with a group of other men, and was extremely bored and aggravated with the political discussion that was taking place in the group.  He let the front legs of his wooden chair come forcefully to the floor and then hollered out, "WAS THAT A GUNSHOT?!!!" - - - - You know, - - - speaking of GUNS, - - - ".



Quote from: oldman1015 on September 12, 2018, 06:13:24 pm
Old guys don't tweet except the President and you see how well that works.

You obviously don't get on Twitter much haha. Just look at the responses to anything the official Arkansas Razorbacks account posts, especially if it's about uniforms.


Quote from: Hopeful Hog on September 13, 2018, 02:17:16 pm
I'm really enjoying this little debate sir and am truly sorry it was sent to the trash, it clearly doesn't deserve to be here as nothing anyone had said including myself has been even remotely as offensive as others bashing more realistic fans but I digress.

Yeah, not sure why it ended up in the trash either. Maybe some posts that were eventually deleted that we didn't see?

QuoteAs for balance running a 60/40 isn't even close to the same thing as running a 80/20. It's not even in the same ball park. Not to mention running 40% of the time is quite a bit. You're making it sound like that's some Mike Leach system or something. My shred them through the air thing was meant to be more tongue and cheek. I definitely want a respectable run game but I just don't want that to be our only bread and butter. Unless you consistently have rosters like Bama or Auburn, which isn't gonna happen here, running the ball all the time isn't gonna work and it for sure isn't scaring the Dlines we're going to be facing week in and week out.

Ah, it did not come across as tongue in cheek whatsoever to me. Based on what you described, I'm more in agreement. I still think that that a Petrino-esque offense is the best style out there, specifically, the 2010 style offense (I say that because Mallett threw more deep balls than Wilson and Knile ran with a FB and power schemes while Dennis Johnson did not and used more zone schemes).

Have a bell cow RB that can power between the tackles or speed to the outside. Have a vertical passing game that can take the top off the defense as well as dangerous receivers underneath with always at least one of either a fullback and/or a TE out there. About a 60/40 run to pass split.

QuoteBack to the NFL. Let's just agree that you have to be somewhat balanced in every position to be on the field. That will save us a lot of back and forth. That being said these guys like Donald and Mack aren't getting paid like they are because of how balanced they are, they're getting paid because of how great they are at getting to the QB. Mack more so than Donald but still if Donald was just ok as a pass rusher and great as a run stuffer he wouldn't be getting half the pay check, see Michael Brockers his teammate. Brockers is a perfect example of what you're talking about and he was so valuable the Rams brought in Suh because although Suh has declined a bit in his pass rush he's still very strong and is better at hitting the QB than Brockers has ever been.

Run stuffers carry value, they're definitely not useless, look at the draft for examples of guys being 1st round picks who mainly stop the run. Marcell Dareus, A'shawn Robinson, Star Lotulelei, Vernon Butler, and many more I'm sure but it's rare for these guys to make a second contract with the teams that drafted them. Why? Because they have aa more common skill set and it's easier to find their replacement in the draft or for cheap in FA. Dontari Poe is another great example, Poe is a very talented run stuffer and still very young, or youngish in NFL standards, but he's bouncing around on 1 year deals because no one is gonna pay big dollars for someone who isn't a great pass rusher. Speaking of the draft the Saints just traded 2 (!!) 1st rounders to draft a guy who is atrocious against the run, Marcus Davenport, but has a high ceiling as a PR.

You bring up some good points, but you touched on an argument I was going to bring up which I think counters what you say a bit. Rarity vs common place. Elite pass rushing skills are rare in general while as you point out, being a very good run stuffer is more common. So, are they paid so much because they are important, or because they aren't common?

Take for example LB's vs CB's/DB's. Specifically ILB's. Your average ILB gets paid more than your average CB. However, your top 10 CB's get paid way more on average than your top 10 ILB's. This, IMO, is a perfect example of rarity vs importance. An elite CB is rare and can do something very few others can. Thus, they get paid top dollars. However, decent cb's are pretty common and so they don't on average make as much. MLB, otoh, is the qb of the defense and thus one of the most important guys out there. Hence, the average ILB makes more due to their importance.

QuoteYou keep bringing up how pass rushers are only third down players and how run stuffers have more value because they can at least eat up double teams on passing downs. That sounds good but it isn't true because those RS (run stuffers, I'm tired of spelling it out lol) aren't on the field, it's called a NASCAR package and it's what every NFL team has implemented. It's 4 PR (pass rushers) ears pinned back QB hunting.

That is becoming more common, but it isn't like that is happening all the time. I bring up pass rushing specialists are only third down players in order to have a more direct comparison. When somebody is good at both (or in players like Von Miller or Mack, good at all three (coverage, run stopping, and pass rushing), it makes one to one comparisons difficult. Hence, looking at players that get taken off the field since they can't rush against players who only get onto the field when it's time to rush.

QuotePoint is if a guy is at least a little above "liability" against the run but an ace PR (I said ace level, not a Chris Smith 3rd or 2nd string at best one trick pony) he'll have teams lining up to throw money at him. Conversely if he's an ace RS but below average PR he might still find a job but it'll be more of what Poe is dealing with.

Who are guys that have teams lining up to throw money at them that are as you describe?

Let's see if this is a comparison we can agree upon. Julius Peppers in older age to Michael Brockers. Brockers plays around 2/3rds of the snaps on defense. He's okay in pass rush, getting between 3-5 sacks a seasons, but he excels as a run stopper. Peppers, specifically analyzing his time/contract in GB actually started his first season playing about 75% of snaps and by his third and final season there was only playing in half the snaps on defense. This shows that he was actually playing some on rushing downs so he clearly wasn't just a pass rush specialist, but that is his bread and butter as he was still getting 11 sacks in a season.

Brockers's average salary was still several million more per year than Peppers.
Quote from: PorkSoda on May 05, 2016, 09:24:05 pm
damn I thought it was only a color, didn't realize it was named after a liqueur. leave it to benny to make me research the history of chartreuse


Quote from: Hopeful Hog on September 12, 2018, 04:32:57 pm
Listening to the Bo Mattingly show today and it really hit home of how much we are right in the middle of what seems like a generational shift at the University of Arkansas. The traditionalist are still stuck in the past, no offense but you are, you constantly talk about how much you hate Texas and "Aggies gonna Aggie", you hate any modern change to the uniform and still think running the ball and stopping the run leads directly to a championship (there's some truth to that but it's not the 60's or even the 90's anymore. It's a passing and pass rushing world now, not completely but more so than ever before.). Unfortunately this group is the ones holding the purse strings so I have to ask you guys a serious question. Do you want your way or do you want the UofA to be successful? Honestly asking. Guys with money HAVE to stop living in the past and look to what's best for the future. If the recruits love anthracite (and they do) stop crying and moaning that's not what the Razorbacks wore when I was a kid. It's not about what you want it's about what gets talent to the hill. Guys with money this state isn't big enough to support 2 programs so if you want Arkansas to have a successful football program stop holding the program ransom and forcing them to play in an embarrassing dilapidated high school stadium. Michael from Stuttgart is a pompous.... we'll say donkey, but he said something I unfortunately agree with. He said it's probably gonna take the current generation of money to die out before things are ever gonna change. This honestly breaks my heart because we have some really great people here in the natural state but tragically most are drastically behind the times. I don't know, I just want us to become relevant again.

Your Wrong All we care about is Winning the games we should and to upset someone once or twice a year.
If the South should lose, it means that the history of the heroic struggle will be written by the enemy, that our youth will be trained by Northern school teachers, will be impressed by all of the influences of history and education to regard our gallant dead as traitors and our maimed veterans as fit subjects for derision.
-- Major General Patrick Cleburne
The Confederacy had no better soldiers
than the Arkansans--fearless, brave, and oftentimes courageous beyond
prudence. Dickart History of Kershaws Brigade.